I was selected as 1 of 11 national artists to participate in Ventana Surfboards and Supplies' first ever Handplane Artist Project. Selected artists will be creating a unique piece of artwork on one of Ventana's reclaimed wood handplanes. Each handplane will be glassed with bio-based epoxy and made available via the company's website.
I chose to do a wrap-around design in blue-greens with Pacific sea life imagery. On the bottom side, there are a Kelp Greenling, Giant Seabass and Giant Sea Star surrounded by various kelp and barnacles. To the right side, there is a portion of a crab sneaking around from the opposite side. The fish and kelp images wrap around to the reverse side, with the remaining portion of the Dungeness Crab emerging.
It was an honor to be selected for this project, especially because of their values of artisanship and responsibility. Each one of Ventana's surfboards and handplanes are made of reclaimed or found wood and a portion of their profits are donated to ocean conservation efforts. You can read more about their efforts and values by clicking the link above.
If you'd like to stay tuned to the progress and availability of these pieces, you can follow them on IG: @ventanasurfboards and/or follow #ventanahandplanes.